The process by which traders exchange fiat currency for SRF tokens through a Custodial Ramp.
Bond Capital
Stablecoin capital (e.g., USDC) deposited by custodians as Surety Bonds to secure tokenisation.
The deletion of SRF tokens by custodians based on available verified custody.
Interchangeable with Mint; refers to the process of creating SRF tokens backed by bonded fiat reserves.
Custodial Ramp (Ramp)
Licensed custodians facilitating fiat-to-SRF (acquisition) and SRF-to-fiat (redemption) transactions.
Entities holding fiat reserves securely and tokenising them into SRF via zkTLS proofs and Surety Bonds.
Decentralised Exchange (DEX)
An integrated market-making mechanism supporting trading pairs like SRF-USDC, minimising spreads.
Decision-making process involving SRP holders, covering custodian onboarding, fees, and treasury management.
The creation of SRF tokens based on verified fiat reserves and bonded capital.
Primary Market
The market for acquiring SRF directly from Custodial Ramps.
Process of traders exchanging SRF for fiat currency through a Custodial Ramp.
The process of addressing fraud or mismanagement by custodians, which may involve liquidating bonds, blacklisting entities, or initiating legal actions.
Secondary Market
The DEX-integrated market where SRF is traded against bond capital, such as SRF-USDC pairs.
Single-Sided Liquidity Provision (SS-LP)
A DEX feature allowing users to contribute SRF or USDC individually to liquidity pools.
SRF (Surety Fund Token)
A digital asset backed by a basket of fiat currencies held by custodians in the protocol.
SRP (Surety Governance Token)
A digital asset backed by a basket of fiat currencies held by custodians in the protocol.
Surety Bond
Security deposits made by custodians in stablecoins to insure tokenised fiat reserves.
Conversion of fiat reserves into SRF tokens, involving custody verification and bond capitalisation.
Interchangeable with Burn; refers to removing SRF tokens from circulation based on verified custody.
zkTLS Custody Proofs
Cryptographic proofs validating the authenticity of fiat reserves without exposing sensitive data.
zkTLS Fraud Proofs
Cryptographically verified evidence correlating on-chain transactions with off-chain activity to identify fraudulent actions by custodians.